Et Lux Perpetua

As soon as I saw the monomonday challenge for today was 'Lux' my mind was straight into the words of the Requiem Mass; bad case of earworms all day!  Some of the most splendid music ever written is focused on the Requiem and I just had to put something together using 'Et lux perpetua'... and everlasting light shine upon them.

The only image I took today was the page from Mozart's Requiem combined with a gravestone from Highgate Cemetery and a created light burst.  (I had to watch a Youtube video to learn how to do this!)
I wanted some light bursting out from on high and no chance of taking that image here today with grey sky and high winds all day! 

As the Dickens' challenge has now started I also needed some light bursting through to fit one of the quotes (Oliver Twist 2) - two birds with the one gravestone!  Do join in with this challenge - it's great for getting the brain cells going and you don't have to have read the books or even know the stories. I may struggle at the end of the challenge (more than normal) as I'll be in South Africa and my thinking might well be going in other directions!

Our dog, Corrie, has been in at the vets again today for the second operation to remove lumps from her mammary glands.  These are being analysed but we are optimistic that they will prove benign like all the others.  Poor old dog - it's so hard not being able to explain what we are doing and why.

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