Spire of the Duncan Library.

Nothing much to say today. Loaded the last of the old shed into the car.  One piece is just a fraction too big to go in but hopefully the people delivering the new shed will take it away for me otherwise it will require a lot of sawing.  It was slightly warmer and less windy so some gardening got done. After lunch drove to the recycling and the shed is now gone.  I went on a bit of a wonder afterwards looking for photos and ended up in Cupar where there are a lot of wynds and some nice buildings. In the 1860’s money was left by a Miss Elizabeth Duncan to build a Mechanics Institute for the benefit the working classes.  It was designed to be an embellishment for the town and was completed in 1870.  It is still a library now run by the local council.  Someone always wants to know what you're taking when they see the camera  and this led to a long chat with a guy who has just recently developed arthritis in his knees.  I felt so sorry for him as it seems to have worsened quickly.  On the way back to the car I found two pieces of graffiti that I'm very fond of.  Good to see they are still there.

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