His Garden, My Garden

We had a nice day weather wise, great for hubby’s outside job. I made him French Toast and sausage to give him extra needed energy. He went to my mother’s to get the camper ready for use. It takes hours to de-winterize it. I headed in the opposite direction to two Amish markets and bought my flower, herb and vegetable plants for my garden and flower pots. Saw this young farmer getting his garden ready for planting. Prices have risen this year for sure. I dropped off plants that Kristen needed to finish her garden and picked up a few other gifts. My sister and I always plant a flower garden for our mother on Mother’s Day. I got some zinnias and my sister will get vinca, etc. Sky is coming over tonight so we can address her graduation announcements. I have most of the addresses she needs. Hubby has several stops to make on his way home. He left his wallet home so he cannot get on base to pick up meds. That gives us an excuse to ride out together tomorrow. I need a few things from the Commissary anyway. It must be nap time but I still have the soup to make and a few other jobs to finish. I guess planting will be saved for tomorrow. Hope you had a nice day as well. Be safe. Thanks for dropping by. I found one more Iris. We’ll see if it is still new enough to include. “The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin

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