Marsupium Photography

By magi


WFH, mostly spent listening to talks. 

A friend from school I hadn't seen in decades is visiting Berlin. Caught up with her and another pal from school who is living in Berlin. We started with a couple of beers in a fairly hip beer garden  before joining the absolutely humongous queue for the opening of the after the party Andy Warhol exhibition at fotografiska. The opening was billed as one of the major events this weekend. My Berlin pal is well established in the Berlin art scene and managed to get us in through the backdoor. The exhibition was a bit meh, there were some really nice portraits. I also liked the photos of trivial interiors. However, they seem quite lost in today's flood of similar pictures. I was amused by the words the curators found to give the images meaning. There are two more exhibitions. We checked out one of them. The works were very reminiscent of 20s advertising posters. Some good stuff but not really my thing.

Watching the crowds was something else. Young, diverse, colourful, dressed up to be seen and absolutely packed. I am glad I need not bother.

Afterwards we went round the corner to another exhibition in a derelict house on Friedrichstrasse I had an eye on for a while. The art on display was a lot more to my likings. Huge photographic prints and canvases. We drank some more beer in the courtyard. The crowd was even more hip (although we clearly weren't the only ones who migrated from the other exhibition). 

I eventually caught a train home at 1.30 well before the night was over.

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