
By DonnaWanna


Horomaka's Rainbow Challenge is in full swing and we're doing Yellow today.

I seemed to see yellow everywhere and I've taken random shots all day! After work I had to drive down to the vet and get some more medication for Jake and passed some really beautiful yellow Grevillea's. Stopped the car and took a few shots but it was windy, so I was very bad and picked a bloom ;( When I got home I found a black background and took heaps of shots, but somehow they werent doing it for me.

We took GingerNan out for a nice Chinese Dinner at our favourite local restaurant. I noticed this set up of the Golden Ox, Green Dragon and YELLOW Snake and knew this was it!! :)

In other news, Jake has been a tiny weeny bit happier today but still not really great, just have to take it all one day at a time and see how we go. I can hardly bear to see him in pain and not being able to do anything more for him is so hard and so frustrating! The vet has said that a special xray with dye might reveal what could be a ruptured disc and if thats the case it would mean spinal surgery which is major, not sure I could put him through all that!

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