Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Best friends

Mr. W continues to adjust to his new role in our family. He is an amazingly gentle and calm dog and we are thankful for that since we anticipate growing to 100 lbs+. One of the interesting things about dogs is that you never know what toys they will like best.

Here we see Mr. W. enjoying his first car ride since we brought him home. He is snuggled up next to his favorite toy, Mr. Duck. Mr. W loves to consistenly assault Mr. Duck with massive amounts of chewing and neck shaking. It is instinctual for a retriever and Mr. W is no exception. Fortunately, Mr. Duck keeps hanging in there and will happily issue a quack when squeezed.

My Mr. W's and Mr D's live on for years... or at least until Mr. W shreds Mr. D!

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