Nastia's Slow Little Days

By Anastasia


Abysmally languid day here. Yesterday's drinks resulted in today's dehydration masquerading as grumpiness (not quite a hangover, just general bad mood and strange repulsion from the very thing I needed most - H20; this water charade happens a lot, and still I can't seem to get it right).

I'd say the highlight of the day was when roommate brought home LU's PIM'S cookies, which I've been craving extraordinarily of late. I wonder if this is one of those instances of unnecessary quotation marks. Other things have been lost in translation on the box, after all, as in the case of the odd spelling, "chocolaty."

Otherwise, lots of futzing about, moping, sleeping, and avoiding. The sun came back out, even, but I was in such a spiky, shadowy cavern of my own making that I couldn't find a way to get myself to get out to enjoy it. I have higher hopes for tomorrow. Harumph.

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