...among other things!


A day in Margate, Kent

:-) Naomi on Margate beach!

So, you've guessed today's little adventure, we (Naomi mainly) decided to explore Margate. Think after watching the Only Fools and Horses 'Jolly Boys Outing' episode the other day she's been hell bent on visiting.

We chose a great day to go as the sun was out, the skies were blue and all was right with the world. Although we've heard bad things about Margate in the past and it did seem slightly run down and to be filled with um... not sure how to put it so I'll just say 'chavs', we really did have a great day on the beach, the arcades and the shops; its definitely somewhere I'd recommend visiting and make sure you go to The Mad Hatter Tea Room whilst there, great food at good prices and the most quintessentially accentric English place you'll find. It's number one on the Guardian's Top ten things to do in Margate

Many more days like this please world!

PS. Got some other great images too, of the Harbour Arm (very colourful), the beach and of course the Tea Room but thought this summed up the overall fun-ness of the day :-)

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