Capital adventures

By marchmont

Bedside Manner

Today my long suffering parents are being subjected to family history DNA testing - another one of my ideas. So I'm spending the whole day in the Grange, supervising the 3 lots of swabbing.

Top of my 'to do' list was the Corporation tax return which has an end of the month deadline. After spending 3 hours tearing my hair out I eventually decided to read a letter our accountant had sent me at the start of the year - a copy of the letter sent to my fellow Director last August. That, apparently, included all the necessary returns and bits of paper for signature. This was a real 'doh, I'm an idiot' moment. 3 hours wasted! The letter has still to be tracked down but if all else fails D can ask for a copy.

Still muttering at my own stupidity it was out for a walk with my mother to clear the head. I'd fancied the ducks at Blackford Pond but was told it was too muddy so we did the circuit of the Astley Ainslie Hospital instead. Prime real estate!

One more test and then I can put the white coat away. It will be interesting to see where our roots are.

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