
Mr Nut has decided he would like to live here, in this triangle. Gradually the skies brightened and this teepee triangle fill with a swirling morass of shrieking children. He was in heaven. And if he couldn't live in the triangle, there was always a yurt. He enjoyed everything, and purchased a small polystyrene kit plane which suffered a terrible fate later when he went to bed but happily I fobbed him off by blu tacking the propeller to Dave's head and telling him I'd made Dave into a helicopter, which was the most fabulous thing ever.

And in case my brother Rob is reading, there were bee baskets though he tells me they are no good (his bees have swarmed) so he's a bee snob.

Oh, and I bought a silly hat.. it's very hard to go to these hippy fairs and festivals without some absurd acessory being purchased you know. Remember camp bestival?

Good day was had.

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