All Those Pretty Things..

By erinsharp


After being woken up very nicely by Ed... We went for a walk down at Hengistbury Head :) We were going to go there the other day but didn't have enough time in the end, and since it was lovely and sunny today we thought it would be an opportune moment :) It did however turn out we didn't have long and we did get back to the car a bit late but oh well, :) It was a nice walk and I didn't drop any of Ed's belongings in the sea this time...

After getting home we had a lovely lunch and then Ed decided he wanted a snooze :P As per usual... But actually he ended up going home because we both had some jobs to do... Thrilling jobs of course. Mine involved tidying my room and moving everything around :) It was a big job, took from about 3 til 10... With only a small break in there for tea :) I did pretty well actually :) Although my Mum did help to begin with before getting bored... To be honest who wouldn't.

Tidying my room was when I found Bernard :) He was given to me when I passed the Grammar test in Year 7!! LONG LONG time ago! He'd been sat on my wardrobe for ages but since that has now been dismantled and left in the guest room he is now homeless, the poor chap! Currently, he is sat on the floor beside my bed ready for a new home! Maybe he can join my other toys that are important to me;
Ducky - a duck who has lost most of his stuffing and I've had since before I was born
Bravo - The brave old Beanie Baby who I took in with me when I had my Appendix out. He also had his out but was much braver than me! I did get annoyed with the Nurses though because they put a plaster on his tummy and there is still a mark there now! Stupid sticky mess!
Piglet - This is a little round Piglet from Disney :) He is oober cute, but rather grubby now! I've not had him that embarrassing as that is to admit :P But I love Disney and I am DESPERATE to go again! =D Maybe I can round up some friends :)

So after all that work I am now very tired, and since I will be revising all day tomorrow because I am now on study leave I should probably get some sleep...

Night xx

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