My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


Looks like the good weather has decided it's time to stop teasing us; some nice Scottish mist was the view from my window this morning.

Other than food shopping and attempting Dynamics work, I haven't done a whole lot today. After dinner (spinach burgers!) I watched Braveheart on my laptop. Scotland is such an amazing place, and I have a real heart for my fellow Scots!

Spinach burgers recipe (serves 4)
30ml oil
1 onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
350g frozen chopped spinach, thawed (I usually use fresh spinach)
75g cheese, grated
100g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs
Salt and pepper
Grated nutmeg

Heat half the oil in a frying pan. Add the onion and garlic, then cook for 5 minutes. Thoroughly drain the spinach and mix it with the onion in a bowl. Add the cheese, breadcrumbs, seasoning and a little nutmeg. Mix the ingredients until bound. Divide the mixture into eight.
Shape each portion into a burger on a well-floured work surface. Heat the remaining oil in the frying pan and cook until browned on both sides.

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