
Another day of not getting out into the light, hence this indoor blip of one of our houseplants. M is still away, so I can't put a name to it.
Strange that I can remember the Linnaean names of a great number of mammals, birds and fish but I have a terrible memory for even the common names of plants.
I guess having Meles around means that I don't have to :)

In exchange I remember jokes for her, although in common with a lot of women she will often ask me to "tell the one about 'Why the long face?'" I have no idea why the sex which is traditionally supposed to have the better communication skills so often has a complete blind-spot about not revealing the punchline and an inability to remember the build-up to it in the correct order and with all the important details that make the joke work...this is especially strange with Meles, who can remember the lyrics to (at a guess) about 200 songs.
Strange chaps, women...

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