Add a dash of adventure..

By Melasaurus

"What time do they fire the One O'clock Gun?&

I kid you not, but I have, indeed, overheard this question being asked in Edinburgh. And not just once...

Since Historic Scotland have a free ticket offer thing going on over the weekend, Craig and I took advantage of this and finally went to visit Edinburgh Castle. Since we had both reached our saturation point of being surrounded by crowds of people with no concept of manners and personal space finished our visit a little before 13:00, we decided to stick around to watch the One O'clock gun being fired.

Apparently the Castle now employs two "Official Castle Photographers" who will take a photo of you and you can buy the photo at the end of your tour (a bit like those photos that get taken on rollercoasters, except presumably these are in focus and with a lovely background. And hopefully with nobody screaming...). We were approached three times between the two of them. Clearly, the backs of our heads must be super-attractive...

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