
By sp33dway

Ctenopoma stare-out

Meet Sid. He's one of my Ctenopomas, aka Leopard Bush Fish aka Spotted Climbing Perch, and he's the blokey half of what seems to be a pair.

My bro-in-law gave them to me when he found out they weren't too compatible with his existing fish and I have to say they've become a firmfishyfave of mine ever since, displaying character by the oodle and a penchant for crickets and other grubbity nosh. Their gobs are MAHOOSIVE and it's only a matter of time before they try and snaffle one of my little tetras, so a new smaller tank has been bought and will be ready in a few weeks once the bacteria in the new filter start doing their job and breaking down the fish poo properly.

I also bought a baby one of those today but she's a tad shy so no photo just yet.

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