The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

A Little World Within

Today Joe and I hiked Namhansanseong in Seongnam. It's so close to us, which is really nice because we have lots of exploring to do! We started by exploring these tiny little bits of earth which seemed to be glowing in anticipation of Joe and I discovering them. Today we saw the south gate, so we will have to see more of the mountain in the future. We were able to refill our bottles with fresh stream water coming down the mountain. They have it set up where the water funnels down through spouts, and it's actually ok to drink.. We were surprised at how cold and refreshing it was. A little scared of getting sick... yes. We had to give it a try anyways; and nope, we didn't get sick. Seoul is a gigantic city, and since we live outside of it, to go anywhere in Seoul takes a really long time! We went to this big electronic market today at Yongsan station, where Joe bought cheap computer speakers and some other necessities for the apt. I priced a telefoto lens; a Nikor at $160 which I am going to save for. This is the latest I've stayed up since we arrived in Korea: 12 am. That is pretty weak! Night Night.

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