Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

How much are those doggies in the window?

Well I know exactly how much the ones in the left are, £850.

I know this because I've had my eye on this bronze sculpture since we moved to Castle Cary. I've visited "The Whisper" by Rosemary Cook several times, on my own, with Claire and with Mr G.

The first time I saw it I knew it would be perfect for Mr G's upcoming 40th birthday.

Well his birthday has come and gone, the seasons have moved from Winter to Spring and the doggies are still in the gallery however now in the gallery window.

It makes me sad to see them there because the chances of me buying them are extremely slim. I have on many occasions thought f*** it, where's that credit card? but then reality prevails and I walk away.

I should be happy, because now that they are in the window there is a better chance that they will be rescued and find a loving home, just not ours.

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