Just Because

By Sarah75

Alternative Teddy Bear's Picnic

Due to it pissing down again today enjoying yesterday's toy blip so much I decided to do another.

This one features Beardy (pronounced Bear-dee), my son's much loved, chewed to within an inch of it's life bear. The other drunken bear is Fatty Bear, he's the identical replacement for Beardy that is now nothing like Beardy due to lack of chewing and not being swung around for 8 years.

Today was a bleugh kind of day. For no reason, just didn't get too much done and the weather is really depressing at the moment. I cooked a delicious curry for tea that I'd really been looking forward to, then ruined it a little with too much corriander, and realised I'd run out of rice as I went to cook the rice!

Hope you all had a better day :-)

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