One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The handover

So little face value, and yet...
When the missing piece finds it place, it gains a lot of sentimental value...

Following Sugar Baker's poignant appeal on Blipfoto, I decided to pull all the stops and launch operation "Missing Coins" (I was always bad at wonderfully evocative code names like Desert Storm... They employ a full-time team of writers for this, in the Pentagon)
Operation "Super Copper" (that already sounds better) resulted in my auntie Francoise and 2 of her mates searching their drawers and car seat pockets for Luxemburger 1 and 2 cent coins.
They retrieved 3 sets. These were officially handed over to Sugar Baker today at lunch time.

I was never much of a collector myself.
I collected venereal diseases at one stage but Mrs Raheny persuaded me to give it up...

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