my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


A good day.

Dexter had his second settle at the nursery, this time I had to leave him there for 2 hours.  I think I was more nervous going to pick him up than I was dropping him off.  What if I go in and he's screaming his head off?!  Fortunately, that wasn't an issue.  It couldn't have gone any better! I was amazed and so proud of him. Played. Ate really well. Surprised the nursery staff with his supreme spoon skills. Excellent.
Home for a nap and then his granny and grandad came round to watch him while I popped out to meet Sam in the Stockbridge Tap after work for a couple drinks.
Home in time to put the wee man to bed,
Attempted to watch a film on the tv but I ended up falling asleep for an hour and missing half of it. Gave up on the bells and was in my bed by half ten...

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