Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

See you next year...

wee Snowman friend!
Finally packing away the Christmas deccies. this wee guy and his friend the reindeer are two of my favourites. 
Barely took nay photos today, so this is it I'm afraid.  Mostly it's been about ironing school uniforms, baths, packing bags and generally stressing about how the hell I'll get up on time.  I've barely seen before half nine in the am for weeks!

Mince Pie Count: I just had to finish the bloody things to get them away! So + 2 = About 24 or 25 maybe or TOO MANY!! Well, I think in the face of such gluttony I shall be responsible and restrained by announcing that I shall not consume any more mince pies for...almost a whole year. Can't say fairer than that can you.  If only some kind soul would come along and finish off the Quality Street for me now!


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