Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Rubbish Weather!

After breakfast in the Beach Restaurant, it was pouring down and there was no way we were going to be able to sunbathe.

We decided on a drive around the coast. We drove through villages and it was hammering down with rain. Most people were sheltering anywhere they could. We pulled over at Butte A La Herbe beach, north west of the island. The rain had eased a bit.

I saw the brolly in the bin. It sort of made me smile and summed up the day - a rainy day in paradise.

As it happens, Mauritius is in the grip of Cyclone "Bansi" which will last another couple of days. It is affecting the internet. It is grade 2 of 4 with 4 being the worst.

Thanks for all the stars and hearts for yesterday. I will do my best to look at journals but with so many having not much else to do, the internet is slow as people access it, when it's working!

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