Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Picture taken from the wall of a ruined house on the farm. They are always easier to look at in the winter when the vegetation is down. I am always amazed by how many people lived on the farm and their many buildings boundary walls, ditches and earth workings where they have worked the land as hard as they can to survive. Just the usual chores today but really appreciating the lovely sunshine, the wind has shifted to the north which has made it a bit colder but dry!

I solved a puzzle which was bothering my subconscious today. I had been thinking that the riggs and tup lamb were eating a lot more silage this last week and I had actually put it down to the weather being colder. Well the puzzle was solved when my dog walk brought me past the shed again later in the morning to see one of the horses leaning over the gates to reach and eat the silage. She is a devious little madam is Tango. Well the silage has been moved out of reach and I should start to use a little less again. I did try to take a picture of the tup lamb standing in the fishbox (I put their silage in it) this morning but he jumped out before I could.

Another mystery to me to me today was when I arrived home from the afternoon dog walk I couldn't understand why all the ducks were in the house. It soon came to me that I had seen two sea eagles flying over whilst out on the walk so the ducks must have hidden from them!

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