Suspect package.

Wearing clothing until it starts to disintegrate (and beyond), and not being a fashion victim, I rarely buy new clothes. There's not much scope for the hopeful charity collectors here. Must be one attempted collection every fortnight in our street. A few years ago, there were some rogues going around first thing in the morning, and "collecting" what was intended for charity, before the official collectors came around. They were caught, and went to court for it.

Personally I've never put anything out for them, and won't. Have always preferred to take things directly to their shops/outlets, that way I was sure they went to the right place. I'd rather choose my beneficiary, than give away stuff to just anyone.

Didn't like the look of this attempted collection:
- A company collecting, not a charity;
- They claim that they'll give some money to a charity;
- Had heard of neither the company nor the charity;
- The charity's registered in England & Wales... not Scotland; and
- There's an obvious typo in the text.

Some Internet checks on their legitimacy, appeared to indicate they did exist, and had been about for a few years. But the company is based in and around London, and their area of operation did not include anywhere in Scotland, let alone the Highlands. The charity seemed based and operating solely in Kent. Very suspicious, especially as we have a local pet rescue type place, barely three miles from the village. Why give to one that does the same thing over six hundred miles away!

I didn't notify the local Constabulary, though suspect others may. And then one of their number lives sufficiently nearby to have also received a similar package.

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