Derelict Bird (Squirrel) House in the Snow

All options to go looking for dereliction were again thwarted by the weather.  We are in the middle of receiving 6-9 inches of snow in what we hope is the last snowstorm of the season.  

I have blipped this derelict bird house before. Today I bundled up, put protective gear on my camera and lens, and slogged through the backyard to get another shot.  I had hoped to get a shot of the resident squirrel, but when he heard me cursing because I was having trouble focusing, he scrambled up a tree.  The house has become over-grown by large hollies and so to get at it, I had to climb through the hedge.  I looked like the abominable snowman when I finished.  

I won’t whine (whinge) about the weather although I really want to.  I just want you to know I am really using a lot of self-control to keep a lid on it....  :-(

Sony ILCE-6000, ISO 500, f/13, 1/80, 37mm

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