
I am disquieted by the knowledge that Blip Central is posting Photo's/ Journals, without permission. You can read Blippers views and Blip Central's response above. ( the link is to the Blip discussions page ).
I am grateful to others for drawing my attention to this.
I have been aware of saying less about myself, not that I imagine my photo's text will be used : But !.
I'm not sure yet how I want to respond. I am grateful to Blip for providing a structure that's got me into the discipline of a daily photo. I have been very warmed and heartened by you dear Blippers who have stuck with me as I've negotiated and am continuing to grapple with a huge transition .
I guess I'll let you know.

I've been trying to explore further dynamic range with the Fuji. This was not what I had in mind but will serve. I met this couple, sitting in a sheltered corner : they were happy to be snapped!

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