Savor the moment

I spent the magical once-in-a-century Pi Day on the road and at a basketball tournament in Iitti. Both matches were way too exciting!

Espoo Basket Team White - Tampereen Pyrintö 44 - 38
Tampereen Pyrintö - Orimattilan Jymy  52 - 51

In the first match Emma scored the most, 14  points and in the second one she did great too, with 8 scored points. Pyrintö girls didn't have a good day today, except Emma. However, the latter game was won only by one point.

It was already 22:00 o'clock before we were back home.

This Saturday, March 14, 2015 is 3/14/15 in the US date format which corresponds to the first digits of a mathematical constant Pi: 3.1415. 
The holiday happens once in 100 years and the true fans of Pi should really savor the moment as the next time it happens will be in 2115. For the admirers of general theory of relativity it’s also an occasion to celebrate Albert Einstein's birthday, which is also March 14.

+7°C, sunny

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