Mayans Today

Today we first went to a smaller but very beautiful site which has undergone much restoration, Uxmal. We then went to a huge hacienda (now a living museum) belonging to a wealthy landowner in the past. His wealth was made growing hemp which was the major crop for this area. The Mayan people were kept as unofficial slaves on these plantations.

But today's blip shows how some Mayan families are embracing rural tourism. We had a traditional lunch in a Mayan home. The meal of pork or chicken is slow coked by fire in a hole in the ground covered in leaves to hold the heat. It was tender, lightly spiced and delicious. The father explained how they combine Catholicism (which they were forced to covert to by the Spanish) with Mayan ancient worship of many gods. He also showed us how the hemp leaves are stripped to reveal the fibres which will then be made into rope.

We are now in Campeche for two nights. This is a beautiful Mexican seaside town with lots of bars etc. Off for a wander later and hopefully a cocktail or two!!

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