Cafe Culture.

I have had a busy day today. Was in the doctors by  ten past eight this morning  for my review , and i had booked a blood test for 10 o'clock. I mentioned it  to her, and she said, tell the receptionist that i said to fit you in now, to save you coming back.  I was very pleased about that. I came home had a coffee, changed my clothes ,and then  J dropped me down the gym. Thursday is  the day he goes off to meet the biker boys.  Came out of the gym, and then up to the Open Church and saw Kevin ,and a few assorted visitors.  Left the church and walked into town, and went to the bank to pay a bill, and then caught the bus home. As soon as i got home  J came back as well ,and suggested we go to Sainsburys to do the food shop. So i changed, again and off we went. I haven't had any wine this week, because of the blood test, so tonight i am looking forward to a pizza with a nice glass of red. I will probably be sleeping not long afterwards. This photo is taken, in what used to be called Lees Arcade, and the tea rooms you can see , used to be the sewing rooms where the ladies who worked in Lees, (which was a small department store )used to do the alterations.  You can also see me taking the photo.

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