Who's a pretty boy?

About a week ago in the gym, i was using one of the machines which is supposed  to strengthen my core. An Asian gentleman saw me, and quietly  explained  to me that i wasn't doing it right.  He then showed me the correct way to do it. I saw him this morning and thanked him for his kind advice. He explained a few more things  to me, about the right way, and the wrong way to use some of the machines.  He very rarely speaks to many people, and is very softly spoken. I think he used to be a doctor, because of the way he spoke. What a gentleman.  I was very impressed. When i had finished, i walked up to, Open Church. . I had a chat & a cuppa with some of the regulars at church , but didn't stay long.    As my blip was a bit risque yesterday, i thought that i had better put a more innocent one on today.This afternoon the weather has turned really cold ,and the forecast is for a wet Saturday . I hope you all have a good weekend. 

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