Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The Barber Bus and more

We had the wash up meeting for the Walking Festival today. The committee members are delighted with how well things went, especially considering the weather. There were 3 very wet walks, but most walkers were laughing at the end of them (probably hysterically because they had survived.)  We've received some lovely letters, cards, emails and presents from the walkers. We reckon that about 150 bed nights were clocked up and there were 50 new walkers. All good for the local economy.

Back at home, Mum was not well enough to go to the Mothers' Union, but the steroids need more time to work.  I popped out to vote and saw a new visitor to the village, Susan with her Barber Bus. She was doing a good trade and this will be a great service for those who are less able to make the journey to Hexham

This afternoon, I decided to risk taking Aggie for a walk. It was probably a reaction to my inability to take part in the Walking Festival. We did over 3 miles. Now sitting with ice pack and preparing for a late night watching the election results.

I am so glad to live in a country where I am free to vote.

PS Same problem with colours tonight. Can't see what I'm doing wrong.

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