The Way I See Things


Hall's Croft

When I posted this blip I said that I would rephotograph Hall's Croft in Stratford-upon-Avon when the wisteria was flowering, and today when I went into town to run some errands I managed to grab a couple of shots between the showers.

I'm joining in with an extra photo challenge this week: Synchroneyes 2015. Our own Ingeborg is involved and would probably explain it better, but essentially the idea is that having signed up you upload a themed photo a day to Flickr, Facebook or some other social medium using the hashtag #synchroneyes, and all the entries are then collected by a team of people and placed on Pinterest boards. The theme yesterday was "Light", the board for which is here; and today it's "Dots", which are being collected here. I'm finding the boards interesting and inspiring - which of course is the whole idea. My extra photo here today is my Dots entry - the mother-of-pearl dots on the bridge pins of one of CH's acoustic guitars - shot with a 12mm extension tube on the 85mm lens.

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