Danksound's Musing

By Danksound

Yellow Wagtail II

Here is another attempt at catching a glimpse of the Wagtails that are nesting above my window.  There is now a feeding frenzy going on so I guess the fledglings are growing like mad.  Mum and Dad are back and forth and the noise is quite beautiful from all.  They discovered this wire and so it wasn't so frightened.  When they see me they usually fly away.  Because of all the tail wagging up and down its hard to get a clear picture of them.  I was drawn to the window this morning because this one was tapping on the window for a while.  I came to see what was going on  I was once told many years ago that birds were messengers of the Gods and brought warnings and/or wisdom.  I hope its wisdom I need more of that!!!

I am very busy at the moment and am a bit behind in commenting. Sorry.

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