Doing what Golfers do!

Decided to take the rusty old lawnmower that had lain in my garden for a couple years down to the Dump - such a tale of procrastination:-) Thought lunchtime would be a good time to do that because it would be empty - everyone else having their lunch at home. How wrong could I be!  I arrived to a queue of cars, vans and trailers, and soon the queue grew behind me. I waited for at least ten minutes before we moved - spent my time listening to my German language tutor, Andrea Berg, on CD. Well, of course, she's really a  German pop-singer but it's more fun learning the Language by listening to songs!  So the time wasn't wasted. The reason for the delay was that there was only one man in charge of the Centre this morning and he had to have his lunch hour.  The Recycling Centre borders onto the Golf Course so strolled around there clicking at everything in sight. These golfers who had obviously lost something are my blip, because they reminded me of the time I lived near Turnberry Golf Course which borders onto the sea and as a child my favourite pass-time was collecting the lost golfballs that had landed on the beach!  My extra today is a bit of the land on the edge of the Montrose Golf Course.

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