Rain is the problem

There has been a lot of rain recently, often accompanied by strong winds, with a cold edge. Wintry conditions, at least by Auckland standards. I am certainly using warmer gear for my morning runs. 

Today (a day off) I chose to run along Ponsonby Road just after midday. Shortly after deciding that this was the time, it started raining again; albeit briefly. So I chose to carry the small compact camera.

Not far along Ponsonby Road I saw Salvadore sitting on a stool, sketching. I stopped and we had a talk. He is from Barcelona. He likes to paint, and sometimes he sells his paintings. He also likes to do portraits, and in the afternoon he goes to Queen Street in the central city to do portraits. I didn't ask, but I am guessing he does sell those at the time.

When he told me that he was from Spain, Barcelona, I commented that he must notice the cold. His response was that it is the rain the interferes with his painting. Hence, the wee umbrella covering the rest of his gear. He was sketching Allendale House on the other side of the road. The scaffolding seen in my blip from a couple of years ago is well gone. I was standing in much the same spot as Salvadore was sitting to make his sketch.

I told Salvadore my name and about blip, and what would happen with his photo, and he was happy for me to take his photo.

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