Mr HCB took me out for a coffee this morning - it was actually too hot to work in the garden, so I'm glad he suggested it.

We often meet a lady in the coffee shop who can be rather ascerbic, and it can be rather upsetting when she makes derogatory comments, which she often does.  I decided this morning that I would "surprise her with joy" because I don't know her story and therefore I don't want to judge the way she behaves and speaks, so I made a little posy of flowers from the garden and when she came into the coffee shop, gave them to her.  You can see this in my extra photos.

I wasn't surprised when, having told her they were from our garden, she said, "What brought this on?  It's not my birthday!"  I told her that I wanted to share the beauty of our garden with her and asked her to accept the flowers as an "unbirthday" present, whereupon she smiled; I think it was a smile anyway!  Sometimes, even when we give a gift, we never really know if it's appreciated - but I will keep trying with her.

Mr. HCB then agreed to let me do some shopping on my own, provided I didn't buy too much, and I said I would like to come home on the bus.  Shopping done, I walked to the bus stop, and saw "one man and his dog" having a well earned rest.  I stopped and had a lovely chat with him - as you might guess - and during the conversation, he told me his dog was called "Lucy".  They definitely smiled for me!  

Don’t forget to be kind to strangers, 
     for some who have done this 
          have entertained angels 
               without realising it!
Hebrews 13:2
The Living Bible

P.S.  Just realised this is my 900th blip without missing a single day - just saying!

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