Sue's Images


Sports Day

This morning I took S, A and J to school then proceeded to I and G's school for their sports day.  When I got there I was early so I helped some of the parents erect 3 large tents to house the pupils. We managed to get them up on time.  My blip is of G winning his race.  I came second and third in her races so it was all going swimmingly until I's relay race where they had to pick up 3 bean bags which were spread out and go back to the start.   In front of her were 3 yellow bean bags but the team close by had blue ones, as I was in the blue team she thought she had to pick up the blue ones that's when it all went wrong and her team were last.   She was very upset!  I can understand her confusion.  The colour of the bean bags should have matched the team colours.

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