Royd Moor Sunset

I spotted the light behind the turbines as I drove back from the hospice yesterday evening and decided it was worth the extra drive up onto Royd Moor before I went home.  (I was hoping I had a camera in my bag, but wasn't entirely sure!)  
Unfortunately mum was feeling rather unsettled about some half-heard conversations she'd had during the day about her leaving the hospice (she is very deaf).  So I hope the nurse in charge was able to re-assure her last night.  I know they want to involve their patients in decisions about their future but when you are very ill and so many things are out of your control (and she is so much weaker than she was and she knows that Ann's cancer treatment is due to start this week) then I don't think that yesterday conversations with the OT and the discharge person were at all helpful.
I've needed some overnight thinking time to work out what the issues are, but I think a phone call and an arrangement to speak with the doctor who said she'd be there today would be the way forward.

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