wait just one more shot

By Susanbmathew

Mountain laurel

See this heart? I am posting it in hopes that it will send some love out there into the world. It appears as though it may be needed.
A lot of people were disappointed this week. I was not disappointed. My week rocked. As we speak it is still rocking.
A minister said he was going to set himself on fire in protest. Seriously? Jesus would be so proud I am sure.
It's been a very important lesson for me. I am talking about dealing with disappointment with grace and respect. There are many people I know that have not taken this week well. I read an article that advised that those of us who are happy to not "gloat". Seriously, give us this moment we worked so hard for. Give us our time to celebrate this monumental decision. I say us because I am so happy and I will share the joy of many of my friends and I share these victories with them.
I know disappointment. As do we all. Personally, professionally, and politically. I hope I have taken it better than some others. If not I will be mindful of it in the future. In the mean time.......... I am not reading any more negative posts on Facebook ( I have hidden two friends that need to be hosed down before they explode) and, I will pray for strength for those who are having a hard time. Like that poor minister who doesn't seem to be able to find matches.........doesn't sem to be a good day for him.
Every day is a gift. I will choose to celebrate them. I hope you all will do that with me. As I take care of people who die everyday, it occurs to me that life and it's time are precious. Too precious for hate...yeah I am still not going to like Donal trump and I'm glad he got his bum spanked. ... But I digress.
This heart isn't pefect but who's is? Mine is not. I have sulked, stomped my feet and cried with disappointment. I think if I have that need again, I will keep it at home. Oh and I will step back from Facebook. Sour grapes are never well received. This is my goal and this is a heart. Have an awesome week and smile at someone tomorrow. I bought a stranger's coffee this morning. That was SO cool. That brought joy. Now if someone would buy me a cupcake.........Or an Oreo. Life never sucks with an Oreo. OMG I need to call them with that slogan.
Ok I am off my soapbox. So G'day DownUnder and sweet dreams to the north....

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