1000 blips represented via the medium of shoes

Welcome to my 1000th posting on Blipfoto! I've uploaded a new photo to this site almost every day since I joined in October 9th, 2012 - my only omission was 11.1.13, when I simply forgot.

Since I'm home writing all day, there was no time to go out in search of the perfect image to represent 1k of Blipfoto postings. So I've used my collection of winklepicker shoes to do the job for me.

Thanks to all those who have looked at and commented on my pictures over the past 1000 blips. I can't claim much improvement in my photography, but I've enjoyed having a fresh creative outlet.

I still have 32 portraits to complete my #100faces project so I won't be hanging up my trusty Canon Ixus anytime soon. Onwards!

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