Day 15

Cuan Sound - Ardfern, then home.

When there's nothing else to do, blow bubbles! (The wind was so strong they blew themselves)

We really have been 'off grid' for the past 2 weeks! Managed to pick up wifi briefly, only 3 times (must go to more pubs), and the signal was never strong enough for my blips to upload, although I tried. My useless mobile phone only occasionally got a signal, just long enough to torment me with notifications, which I couldn't read, or respond to. So I've kept a written journal every day, and have my photos all sitting in a folder on my desktop ready to back blip. 15 days worth coming up!

We haven't exactly had great weather for photography, or a sailing holiday on the West Coast of Scotland (1 blue sky day in 15). We didn't get to spend my Birthday on my beloved Isle of Canna, but we've made the best of our two weeks away from it all, and have explored places new to us both. Dreams of days wandering along endless sandy beaches in the Hebrides were not to be - there's always next year :)

Happy Blipday to all of you who reached significant milestones over the past two weeks. Sorry I wasn't able to comment. I've missed all your daily encouragement and enthusiasm, and the inspiration I get from all your great photos.

It's going to be funny being back on dry land - not that it's exactly dry!! 

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