What have you found?

Jonty is obviously a bit curious about what Foxy is sniffing at.

We've had a busy few days in the garden as it's going to start raining tomorrow. Planted a Wisteria, Climbing Hydrangea and a variegated ground cover plant that I have no idea what it's called, and an Acer bush.
Today Marlane has cut back a load of stuff, we've levelled up the bird bath, which had developed a bit of a lean and not sure if it's anything to do with Robbie the Cat who is buried beneath it!
Been digging out the gravel between the second half of the slabs in the secret back garden, see extra photo, bleaching the stepping stones and then we'll put new gravel in so it all looks nice.
The idea is that we are doing all of this hard work now so we don't have to do it when we get older. I don't know how long Marlane is planning to last but I intend to be around for at least another 20 years, making me 86, so all of this stuff will have grown and need cutting back again and the stones will need replacing again. Never mind, with all of my pension money I should be able to get someone in to do it.


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