Hello again!

This is Matilda the frog (I await responses telling me that 'she' is a 'he' and she is a toad not a frog etc etc).

I'm growing cucumbers and tomato plants in my big plastic green house...I'd love a proper glass green house but that is another story....

Cucumbers did well last year...this year I have already lost 2 plants to slugs and the remaining 5 are staying in an adolescent state. I have a horrible feeling that this is not the year for them in my garden.

The tomato plants are going to be small black fruits, small golden pear shaped fruits and then a tiger stripe type green fruit.

Each time I go in the greenhouse at least 2 frogs jump all over the place so I have to move slow and tread carefully. This is the biggest of the 3 who I see the least. There is a really tiny one which is a very pale colour (I am sure this is because it lives in the greenhouse) and a third one (a little darker in colour but incredibly small)which I think exists but could be a figment of my imagination ....I haven't seen all 3 at once...so it could be a Jo Brand/John Sargent situation....

Good day so far today just about to send an overly complex/overly wordy email to my tutor which I have been putting off.

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