A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

We Love Budapest!

Walked over 7 miles around Pest today. The weather has been dry and much warmer so fine for exploring on foot.

Headed up to Heroes Square and then into the City Park. There were lots of decorated benches but I liked this one with the leaves falling from the trees in the background.

One of the famous thermal baths is located here, Szechenyi, and we had a coffee overlooking the steaming outdoor pool. Lots of people using it but we will have to wait till next time.

Headed back to the market and the chocolate shop from yesterday for a bit of shopping! Feet were getting a bit tired by this time so we found a lovely old coffee shop ( one of the oldest in Budapest for tea/coffee and fabulous cake-see Yorkshirebred
It is an established literary cafe - see extra - in the old quarter and well worth the visit.

On our way back we came across this huge BUDAPEST sign. Took a shot of my companions but could only fit in the D and the A! My friend who had her birthday yesterday is in the D and you might recognise Corinthian Column in the centre and Yorkshirebred to the right of the A.

Our last night. Dinner calls!

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