Tiny Tuesday - Raindrop on Kale

A busy day in the garden today doing some tidying up while the weather's nice, so just time for a quick blip. I spotted this tiny jewel-like raindrop nestling on a leaf of the kale we planted about 10 days ago (one of the few leaves of which the local slugs haven't taken too big a bite - although you can see their toothmarks!).

I'd have liked to set up the tripod and do a focus stack but there wasn't time (it would actually have been tricky to use the tripod so close to the ground anyway) - so I had to use quite a high ISO in order to hand-hold the camera with the macro system on it so it's rather grainy. However maybe the depth of field effect is artistic?

Thankyou once again to jensphotos for hosting TT this month :)

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