For the heir

When Benedict comes home he will have a quick release cat collar (meaning with a little pressure, the collar will release and fall off). As he will take on the mantle of the Prince of Waltham, it is only right his collar should have "Prince" repeated on it.

I know the small charity he's coming from isn't keen on collars. Cat collars do release when they catch on something, it's when small dog collars are used on a cat that awful injuries can occur. Not everyone knows about microchips and would take him somewhere to be scanned.

If Benedict escapes outside before he's ready, gets a fright, and doesn't  know where home is, I have some chance of getting him back. If something happens and he's injured or killed, I'd rather someone reads the tag on the collar and phones/texts me.

A few things done for other people today, which is very good.

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