Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Thwarted by the rain............again

I had a day at home today and decided to go into the hide with the aim of photographing the greater spotted woodpeckers who spend a lot of time in the apple tree and on the feeders.

The light was poor all morning but I tried at lunchtime. By then there were neighbours busy in their garden and Carla was near by looking for field mice. No go. Later in the afternoon we were in the middle of a prolonged electric storm which caused flooding for some. Eventually I was in the hide at 4pm with poor light. Then this blue tit parent and child appeared. The "baby" looked bigger than the parent but required feeding. They are quite well camouflaged in the tree. Thank goodness for high ISO I say (again).

The best laid plans......

PS I was thrilled to hear from Blip Central that they chose one of my images from yesterday and I will be receiving a signed copy of Ian Rankin's last book. I didn't expect it so I'm over the moon.

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