Send Off

Duncan emerging from the Arch at West Barns Primary, the traditional send off for Primary 7 pupils who'll be at the Grammar after summer. After a heart-warming but teary Assembly, this was the perfect way to end a brilliant 9 years at this school for Duncan.

Katie, Gordon and Malcolm were part of the Arch.

Big Brother.

Duncan started at West Barns at the ago of 3 in nursery. With Katie in P1 now, we have another 6 years of our family at this school but we'll never again have them all in the same school. It's been a great year for the children and they're disappointed that the holidays have started, they love school so much!

In other news, I was up for the dawn this morning, and very lovely it was too. I was mostly interested in exactly where the sun comes up, after seeing it set behind the Bass Rock a couple of weeks ago I'm after a sunrise & sunset merged panorama. Not today! There will be other sunrises but never another day like this at school. Also I took the picture from the low-tide rocks but the tide will be high at sunset tonight so a matching sunset isn't possible. Ah well, a nice enough result anyway.
The Dawn, 4.20AM at Belhaven.

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