The divas and glamour models they told me I'd be working with today, weren't quite as expected...

In other insignificant news, a couple of the (remaining) juvenile swans took to the wing today. They looked a bit a shaky, and one just did a quick loop before coming back. It's landing on the water had it almost sliding into the reeds. There have only been three about the past few mornings. Originally there were six. Unfortunately two died, when they were near full grown, and we've not heard the cause of their demise yet - their bodies were taken away for post-mortem. The two adults left two or three weeks ago.

Horrible weather tonight. Initially frost, then heavy sleet showers when I came out of the pool. First swim in a few weeks. Had to turn away a couple of weeks back, due to nasty twinges in my back. Last week the place was closed due to a gala... as I discovered upon arrival. Had a good swim tonight though, despite the break. Will feel stiff tomorrow.

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