Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


On from Tissint this morning, again Rashid has been great.  He stopped for photos whenever asked, and offered even more.  

We went to Taliouine, the saffron centre of Morocco, where we stopped for a bit of "education" at a co-operative, and inevitably bought a small bottle of saffron.  We had lunch there, and I decided to add to my "through the window" series with a rather different view to any available in the UK.

We're now in Taroudannt, where we will have several days, and will be able to get some washing done, and catch up with ourselves, before moving on.  We anticipate a relatively lazy day tomorrow. 

We are thinking of all the folks back in the UK who are suffering from flooding.  The Moroccans would be delighted to see some of that rain, they are suffering with drought.  Though we passed bridges and roads that were damaged by floods about this time last year.

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